Drug Development in Dementia

The session will delve into the diverse array of drug development strategies, encompassing small molecules, antibodies, and antisense oligonucleotides. Experts will discuss the targeting of key pathological hallmarks, such as amyloid plaques and tau tangles, as well as emerging strategies that focus on neuroinflammation, synaptic dysfunction, and neuroprotective mechanisms.

A critical focus of the session will be on clinical trial design and execution, emphasizing the need for innovative approaches to overcome the hurdles that have hampered past dementia drug development efforts. Researchers will present their insights into optimizing patient selection, utilizing biomarkers, and incorporating cognitive and functional endpoints to assess treatment efficacy.

The scientific session on drug development for dementia will provide a comprehensive overview of the field's current landscape, highlighting the potential of innovative therapeutic approaches and addressing the challenges that must be overcome to translate scientific breakthroughs into effective treatments for patients.

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